Showing posts with label Nåttarö. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nåttarö. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Sailing to Gotland, Öland & Åland, July 15th-July28th

Sailing my Adagio 27 from Herräng to Gotland and Öland and north through the Stockholm archipelago and finally crossing over to Åland and back. 2 crew changes and the final days single-handed. Varied weather going from cold and rain to heat-wave. Great trip!

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Sailing, Herräng to Öland, July 8th-15h

First part of this years summer cruise with my Adagio 27. We headed off from Herräng on July 8th and made our way south via Väddö Channel. Late in the afternoon, engine started to overheat, so had to make a stop at Kålö to try to fix it. Impeller had broken, but could not locate the missing wing in the hoses, so sailed to Ljusterö for assistance at the warf. All done Tuesday morning, and we continued south via Nåttaröfladen, Draget channel, Ringsön, Älö and accross Kalmarsund to Grankullavik.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Kayaking, Utö-Nåttarö, July 15th-17th

A 2 1/2 day round-trip starting at Gruvbryggan after a ferry from Årsta.. Started with a south-westerly route in moderate head winds past Rånö's west side down to southern Nåttarö where I had the first tent camp.. Continued past Nåttaröhals the morning after, past Stora Björn and Storsand with nice tail winds.. At Hamnudden the winds from the side that bounced on the cliffs created rather choppy conditions.. Second tent camp on a small island north of Järnholmen, then I took the ferry back to Årsta on Friday morning..