Showing posts with label skog. Show all posts
Showing posts with label skog. Show all posts

Monday, October 15, 2018

Hiking, Kindla Nature Reserve, Oct 13th-14th

25 hours in the beautiful nature reserve Kindla, situated north-west of Guldsmedshyttan. Kindla is a 3 hours drive from Stockholm. We were lucky with mostly sunny weather and warm temperatures for the season. We entered from the parking at Kroktjärn, hiked up to Kindlahöjden for lunch and great views from the tower, and then made our way past Kindlamossen to Klosstjärn where we spent the afternoon and evening enjoying the calm scenery while having a nice fire going for hotdogs and coffee.. By noon on Sunday we were back at the starting point, nicely rebooted and ready for city-life again..