Monday, August 17, 2009

Kayak Surfing, Torö Stenstrand, Aug 17th

Wind speed about 13 m/s, the pebble beach and the sea were filled with surfers, wind surfers and kite boarders, and I joined the fun in the big waves with my little Kahuna.. Caught a few waves that gave exciting surfs, had a few others flushing over me and a "swim session" when I lost concentration and eventually was thrown up on the beach in a rather un-stylish fashion..

Monday, August 10, 2009

Kayaking, Landsort, August 9th

A half day paddle from Torö, heading south-east and then south along the eastern side of Landsort (Öja), with a lunch stop on the southern tip, and then back north and north-west towards Torö Stenstrand again.. Winds from south-south-east, 4-5 m/s..